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EAN : 9781401076955
312 pages
Spiegel & Grau (21/08/2012)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
New Hyde Hospital's psychiatric ward has a new resident. It also has a very, very old one. Pepper is a rambunctious big man, minor-league troublemaker, working-class hero (in his own mind), and, suddenly, the surprised inmate of a budget-strapped mental institution in Queens, New York. He's not mentally ill, but that doesn't seem to matter. He is accused of a crime he can't quite square with his memory. In the darkness of his room on his first night, he's visited by... >Voir plus
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Pepper woke up thinking of butts.
And nothing else.
Ladies' butts.
Skinny butts, big butts, saddlebag butts, flabby and firm butts, the kind that sit so high they seem like part of the woman's back, the kind that ride low and form a UU just above the thighs like in the old television commercials for Hanes Underalls, butts that wiggle and butts that jiggle, sagging butts and robust butts, butts that hardly make an impression under a pair of jeans;sidewinder butts and trumpet butts-the ones so meaty they actually spread out until they appear to be a woman's thighs (ass so fat you can see it from the front), butts as knotty as acorns, butts as smooth as a slice of Gouda, butts with pimple and butts with cellulite, the kind that have pockmarks or red splotches, butts with tattoos and butts with bullet scars. Butts you can cup in your warm hands. Butts and butts and butts.
In other words, Pepper woke up horny.
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Ce film d'horreur et d'épouvante est (aussi) un roman

Jack Torrance, gardien d'un hôtel fermé l'hiver, sa femme et son fils Danny s'apprêtent à vivre de longs mois de solitude. Ce film réalisé en 1980 par Stanley Kubrick avec Jack NIcholson et Shelley Duvall est adapté d'un roman de Stephen King publié en 1977

Le silence des agneaux
La nuit du chasseur
Les diaboliques
Rosemary's Baby
The thing
La mouche
Les Yeux sans visage

10 questions
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Thèmes : cinema , horreur , epouvanteCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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