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3.89/5 (sur 22 notes)

Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Biographie :

Laura Purcell est une romancière.

Elle a travaillé dans l'administration locale, dans la finance et dans une librairie avant de se consacrer à temps plein à l'écriture.

Son roman, "The Silent Companions" (2017) a reçu le Thumping Good Read Award 2018 de la société WHSmith.

Elle vit avec son mari à Colchester.

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Bibliographie de Laura Purcell   (9)Voir plus

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Shelfie with Laura Purcell

Citations et extraits (6) Ajouter une citation
In this place of misrule, everything was upside down. The truth was mad, beyond the realms of any healthy imagination. And that was why the truth was the only thing guaranteed to keep her under lock and key.
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There was no doubt in her mind now: she was not mad. Something was coming for her, as surely as the tide inching up the shore. But it would not come quickly. No. They enjoyed making her run.
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Back again to the same three options. Say nothing and be presumed guilty. Destination: the gallows. Say nothing and, by some miracle, be acquitted. Destination: the cold, sharp world outside, no medecine to help her forget.
Only one choice remained – the truth. But what was that ?
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As if he could understand. She had seen things beyond the comprehension of his small scientific brain. Things he would deny were possible until they stole up beside him and pressed their worn, splintered hands against his.
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Laura Purcell
In this place of misrule, everything was upside down. The truth was mad, beyond the realms of any healthy imagination. And that was why the truth was the only thing guaranteed to keep her under lock and key.
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Elsie nodded. She did not ask what Sarah meant by alone. No one was truly alone. Not ever, not in this house.
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Qui a écrit 1984 ?

H.G Wells
O Wells
S Beckett
G Orwell

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