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59 pages
Amazon Original Stories (15/11/2022)
5/5   3 notes
Résumé :
When a stranger comes to town, secrets are sure to come out. New York Times bestselling author Tamsyn Muir spins a twisty—and twisted—short story of revenge and survival.

A fresh-faced newcomer arrives in an isolated, gang-run town and soon finds herself taking a job nobody else wants: bodyguard to a ghoul. Not just your average mindless, half-rotted shuffler, though. Lucille is a dancer who can still put on her own lipstick and whose shows are half b... >Voir plus
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“Anything for the job, Amy?” said Lucille. She sounded faintly mocking. “I’m not Amy.” “You are what you eat,” said Lucille. “Oh, cute,” she said. “Very cute.”
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“‘Lucy and Lesley,’” she quoted. “‘Love endures.’” “Or so I thought—at the time,” said the Widower. “Oh, something endures, but love doesn’t.”
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Why, Amy, why? Why Amy? Why was it Amy? Why did you pick Amy? Why?
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Orgueil et ..., de Jane Austen ?


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