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4.05/5 (sur 10 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

Trisha Malcolm is the VP/Editorial Director for Vogue Knitting Magazine, and the Sixth & Spring books imprint. An avid knitter since the age of 4, she has also worked as an art teacher, a sewing teacher, and an editor on sewing, crafts, quilting, knit, crochet and decorating magazines and books.

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Citations et extraits (12) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
Make time to knit. It's a wonderful stress reliever and it's easier than you think.
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Let your imagination also help you find those spaces in your schedule - no matter how small - into which you can slip a few stiches. Bring your knitting to her volleyball game or his band concert, purl a row while waiting your turn on the phone, or concoct a capt as you "wait up" after a date. And as you do, take some time to breathe deeply, relax, and marvel at the incredibly unique person your teen is coming to be.
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Kid's knit are perfect for a life spend on the move. The pieces for the projects in this book are small, so you can tote your work-in-progress along wherever your travels take you. They also work up fast, so there's no need to worry that the recipient of your knitting talents will have outgrown your creation before it's off the needles.
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Each piece in this book is designed to be as satisfying and fun for a knitter to knit as it will be for a toddler to wear. You won't want to waste any time in starting these charming pieces - and besides, no toddler is going to wait - so grab your needles and get a jump on and KNIT ON THE GO!
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Time flies. In 1982, Vogue Knitting magazine relaunch with a bi-annual publication of topnotch knitting patterns that put fashionable knitted garments withtin the reach of anyone who could wield two needles and a ball of yarn.
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With the belief that line and shape determine the function and beauty of any design, Calvin Klein combines a palette of muted colors with fine quality natural fibers to create knitwear that is practical yet luxurious.
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Whatever you choose for your next project, it is guaranteed that Baby Knits Two will give you the best of knitting in fraction of the time. So pick out some yarn, pick up some needles and get ready to KNIT ON THE GO!
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Shaping and subtle color are the key ingredients of sweater designs by DKNY. Not only do the sweaters feel good to wear, they flatter the figure, accenting the best parts while de-emphasinzing the others.
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This is the most complete round-up of designer knits ever published. Styles range from casual to elegant, with something for every season and family member.
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Wheter you are rocking out at an urban dance club or relaxing at home in the country, you surely would be happy to wrap yourself in a handmade shawl.
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