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3.93/5 (sur 15 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Texas
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Shantel Tessier est une romancière américaine.

Elle vit à Broken Arrow, Tulsa, Oklahoma avec son mari et leurs deux filles.

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I might have never looked at her twice if not for the order to make her my chosen. But I see her now. And she’s exactly what I fucking need. A toy to use. A body to fuck. And sweet fucking revenge.
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Typically, the chosen one and the Lord know each other. They’ve been friends, or they’ve dated. Few instances are like Blakely and me—when the Lord is forced to pick a certain chosen one. There are women at Barrington who would kill to be a chosen. Serving a Lord is an honor for them. Matt has kept her in the dark for a reason. He didn’t want her to know what was going on. He thought it didn’t matter, and she was a sure thing for him. Now that’s no longer a possibility. So, his reasons for keeping her in the dark have changed.
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They say love is patient and kind. I’m not either one of those things when it comes to Blakely. I’m controlling, possessive, and madly jealous. Which can only mean one thing—I’m obsessed with her. To the point I want to hide her from the world. I don’t want another man looking at her, let alone talking to her. Matt helped me understand that.
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I was an assignment that he tried to buy. And now I’m a Lady who has to kill someone?
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