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3.81/5 (sur 45 notes)

Né(e) à : Halifax, Canada , le 02/09/1980
Biographie :

Rachel Reid est le pseudonyme de Rachelle Goguen. Elle l'a choisi car il est beaucoup plus facile à dire, à épeler et à retenir que Rachelle Goguen ! Rachel écrit des cochonneries mignonnes et romantiques, principalement sur les joueurs de hockey. Sa série de romances de hockey m / m Game Changers est disponible auprès de Carina Press. Rachel/Rachelle vit en Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada. Elle a toujours vécu là-bas, et on dirait qu'elle le fera probablement toujours. Elle a deux diplômes ennuyeux et deux enfants intéressants.

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@SimplySaharaShelves loves TIME TO SHINE by Rachel Reid! #shorts #sportsromance #hockeyromance #christmas *** Subscribe for more from Harlequin: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Citations et extraits (16) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
Landon wasn't sure what the gesture meant, but it was so tentative—so considerate—that Landon couldn't help returning it. For a few electric seconds, their fingers exchanged the gentlest caresses while tingles raced through Landon's body.

It was too much. It was the barest of physical contact and he couldn't breathe. He covered Casey's hand with his own to stop it, and Casey took it as an invitation to flip his hand over and tangle their fingers together.
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Landon never thought he could actually have this, had barely dared to fantasize about it, but now he'd always know how it felt to have Casey in his arms, to have his heart-stopping smile pressed against Landon's own bewildered one, making the kiss ridiculous and sloppy and perfect.
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Everything he could think of saying in that moment would be too much. Too honest. Things like "This was the best day I've had in maybe years" or "I love spending time with you" or "You make me want to be brave."

Instead, he said, "Let's go home. I'm starving."
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Casey could withstand being teased, and maybe even being embarrassed, but he knew if his teammates ever did anything to really hurt him, the worst part wouldn't be the humiliation, or the disappointment. It would be the loneliness.
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"I like Stackhouse. He's good for you."

"He's too good for me."

Lee's arm tensed, and then relaxed. "Ah," he said. "It's like that"

"It's not like anything. We're friends. Teammates. Roommates. Whatever"

"But you want more."
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And the thing is, sometimes you get so lost in your own grief when you lose part of your family, and you don't realize that you're damaging your relationships with the people who are still here.
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Casey had suspected, during previous practice drills, that Landon might be a decent goalie, but during the breakaway drill he decided he was better than decent; Landon was really fucking good.
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Every day I feel so lucky to be around you. You're interesting and funny and I hate that it's going to end soon. I fucking hate it, because I know I'll never meet anyone like you again.
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"Hey, isn't this Antton's shirt?"

"Yep." Casey said at the same moment Landon said, "What?"

Clint burst out laughing. "Damn, Stacks. You're coming for Antton's job and his closet?"
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He wanted to pull Landon into his lap and hold him. He wanted to cradle Landon's head against his chest, stroke his hair, and tell him he'd be okay.
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Les Chefs-d'oeuvre de la littérature

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Honoré de Balzac
Gustave Flaubert
Guy de Maupassant

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