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Bibliographie de Kate Bromley   (2)Voir plus

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Get ready for a summer of love with unforgettable romance novels! Sarah (The Bookish Knitter) joins us to share the Harlequin books she is excited to check out while enjoying the nice warm weather! Which book will you read first? Be sure to head over to the Summer of Love page on for more great books you won't want to miss! The Bookish Knitter: In this video: An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera The Witch is Back by Sophie H. Morgan Ciao for Now by Kate Bromley The Cafe at Beach End by RaeAnne Thayne The Viscount's Daring Miss Mermaid Beach by Sheila Roberts *** Subscribe for more from Harlequin: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
'Well, when it comes to what I look for in each specific book, I guess it’s easiest to break it down by tropes—tropes being plot devices or themes. Examples of different tropes in romance would be friends-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers, fake relationships, second-chance romance, forced proximity, mistaken identity…'
'But if there’s only a certain number of themes, aren’t books with the same trope carbon copies of each other?'
'Not at all, because each book approaches the trope in a different way. The characters are different, the location is different…' […]
'All right, so you asking me if books with the same trope are carbon copies of each other would be equivalent to me asking you if every baseball game you watch is the same. I mean, they’re all just playing baseball, following the same rules and always ending the same with one team winning. It must be boring.'
'Which would be an absolutely blasphemous statement.'
'Exactly. In baseball, they’re going through the same motions with the same end-goal in mind, but you’re still happy to follow multiple teams and watch them play because every game is different and exciting. The same is true with romances. Each love story is its own unique experience.'
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When making an important decision, I find it’s useful to think about the life that you want to have. Sit and visualize it, and ask yourself if the choice you’re about to make will help you or hinder you in getting to where you ultimately want to go.
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You know what I like the most about reading your books? I like how when I read them, I hear your voice in my head. I like knowing that I can hear you when no one else can.
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I’d rather stay home with my books than go out into the world and feel like I don’t measure up.
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Professions des personnages de roman ( avec indices)

Charles, le mari d'Emma Bovary dans Mme Bovary de Gustave Flaubert Indice : hippocrate


15 questions
405 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : personnages , roman , littératureCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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