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Savage Lands tome 6 sur 6
EAN : 9781956600377
594 pages
Twisted Fairy Publishing (27/05/2022)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
I no longer walked in the gray...I had fallen into the darkness.

With Brexley on the run and Istvan rebuilding his power in the safety of Ivanenko’s territory, those who have escaped the prison are dealing with the bloody aftermath and trying to regain any hold they can on Budapest. But in Markos’s absence, Sonya makes a claim for the throne and takes control of the city.

When the rebel’s hideout is attacked, they are forced to flee the... >Voir plus
Que lire après Savage Lands, tome 6 : Shadow LandsVoir plus

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Quiz Voir plus

Spécial consonnes 😉

O - A - I


10 questions
109 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : culture générale , jeux , motsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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