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EAN : 9780063377097
288 pages
Harper (02/01/2024)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Few writers today have reshaped our view of the ancient Greek myths more than revered bestselling author Natalie Haynes. Divine Might is a female-centered look at Olympus and the Furies, focusing on the goddesses whose prowess, passions, jealousies, and desires rival those of their male kin, including:

Athene, who sprang fully formed from her father’s brow (giving Zeus a killer headache in the process), the goddess of war and provider of wise counsel.... >Voir plus
Que lire après Divine Might: Goddesses in Greek MythVoir plus

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Où se passe l'action dans ces romans ?

de Albert Camus (France): où se passe l'action de "La peste" ?


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