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EAN : 9780857058164
336 pages
Maclehose Press (31/05/2018)
2.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
“In my childhood, I was known as the boy whose mother had run off with an Englishman.”

So begins the story of Myshkin and his mother Gayatri, who is driven to rebel against tradition and follow her artist’s instinct for freedom.

Freedom of a different kind is in the air across India. The fight against British rule is reaching a critical turn. The Nazis have come to power in Germany. At this point of crisis, two strangers arrive in Gayat... >Voir plus
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Que lire après All the lives we never livedVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
The novel of Anuradha Roy immerses you in the India of the mid of the previous century fighting for its independence and war-torn. Into this broad battle takes place the combat of a woman, Gayatri Rozario, which seems to be born too soon, dreaming about liberty and travels, painting every piece of life, talking to birds and plants. Getting stuck in her marriage and family, Gayatri – the sunbird – finds the bravery to reach her liberty and has to pay its prize.

The efforts of Gayatri's son to understand what happened in his mother's spirit to leave and never come back is a great introspection into the complexities of our feelings and often contradictory emotions.
By this token, All the Lives We Never Lived can be read as an ode to freedom
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Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
"Tell me, what's heavier-a kilo of iron or a kilo of wool?" I felt myself growing tense, I was sure it was a trick question, but be fore I could stop to think it through, I had blurted out,
"Think again," he said, with a smirk. "Think again, my boy. One kilo of a heavy substance is the same weight as one kilo of a light substance." He tapped my head with his ruler and said, "Can't be weak everywhere, eh? If the body's weak, the mind must be made stronger!" I must focus on developing my mind by learning chess, he said. "Alekhine, Tarrasch, Capablanca! Great minds in ailing bodies, all of them."
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Life is full of regrets & thoughts going back & forth - mine are like ping-pong ball, off goes a thought & back it comes before I know it, exactly the same. I am in pain - terrible pain that hurts my body as well as soul - these sickening headaches & stomach aches that feel as if my gut has turned into a rope knotted up & can't be undone. I cannot keep down a morsel.
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I should never have been married at all. I was never meant to be owned, I needed to be free, a vagabond or a gypsy. I'd have done less damage.
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Is prosperity the only barrier against ugliness & squalor? The rich parts of our country are not beautiful as the most ordinary villages here.
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Videos de Anuradha Roy (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Anuradha Roy
Cette année, Oh les beaux jours ! aurait pu prendre une couleur indienne. L'Institut français nous avait proposé d'accueillir des auteurs indiens. Et puis le confinement est arrivé, de #Marseille à #Dehli, et nos échanges n'ont pu hélas aboutir. Nous avons tout de même eu envie de vous faire découvrir la voix d'Anuradha Roy, traduite en français chez Actes Sud.
À lire : Anuradha Roy, Toutes ces vies jamais vécues, Actes Sud, 2020. Traduit de l'anglais (Inde) par Myriam Bellehigue .
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